Is Marvel movies subtly using psychedelic like visuals to keep the audience hooked?
Doctor Strange brought the whole world of psychedelic to the entire world.
The movie was a massive success due to its simple yet engaging visuals. Benedict Cumberbatch gave another brilliant performance.
It was openly accepted by the moviegoers, and a sequel is in process.
Not just the movies, but the comics are considered highly trippy.
When Thor comics arrived, readers thought that the writers were probably high on acid. The visuals were trippy and the colors were oozing out on each page.
Not just Thor and Doctor Strange, even huge names like Fantastic Four and Silver Surfer comics relied heavily on psychedelic visuals.
In the Ant Man and wasp movie, the quantum realm was nothing less than a psychedelic treat to the eyes.
Guardians of galaxy, both the movies along with Thor Ragnarok relied heavily on colorful visuals along with light hearted humor.
Marvel movies have a simple formula — the protagonist s just like us, and they deal with a world level threat in a fun and light hearted way.
There are jokes to lighten the mood and the hero does his work in a flaunting way.
DC stories have relied heavily on good story telling where they explore possibilities and the superhero in a more personal way.
The superheroes are iconic, perfect yet dealing with their own demons.
Movies like BvS had brilliant visuals, thanks to Zack Snyder but they didn’t rely on psychedelic effects.
The visual were bleak, they were supposed to reflect the moods of the characters.
The characters were going through enormous ordeal, and the visuals perfectly blended with their mood.
Marvel movies portray characters just like you and me — they have temper or drinking issues, they have to pay bills and above all, they are not perfect.
They have their shortcomings, and they are well aware of it.
We can connect with them.